There is no registration fee for the conference. It will be organized as a hybrid and you can participate both online and onsite.

You can participate with or without a presentation.


Registration with abstract (until April 21, 2024) 

An abstract for a short oral presentation (10+5 minutes) can be submitted by university teachers and PhD students doing research in the field of educational physics by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in DOCX format, following the instructions in the form for writing an abstract. By submitting an abstract you are considered registered. There is no registration fee for participation in the conference. Authors can submit their abstracts in Croatian or English, depending on which language they prefer for presentation.

Primary and secondary school teachers are welcome to participate via the "registration without abstract" (see paragraph below), but have the opportunity to actively participate in all discussions. On the basis of the registration you can receive a certificate of participation in the conference.

Please send any further questions regarding abstract submission to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Registration without abstract (until May 15, 2024) 

Please send your details to the conference email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.: first and last name, name of institution and whether you will participate online or on site. After sending the details, each participant will receive a confirmation of the registration by e-mail.


--------------------------------------------------- HRV ---------------------------------------------------

Konferencija nema kotizaciju. Organizirat će se hibridno te možete sudjelovati online i on site.

Sudjelovati možete s priopćenjem ili bez priopćenja.


Registracija s priopćenjem (do 21. 4. 2024.)

Sažetak za kratko usmeno izlaganje (10+5 minuta) mogu predati sveučilišni nastavnici i doktorandi, koji istražuju u području edukacijske fizike, e-mailom na adresu This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. u DOCX formatu poštujući upute u obrascu za pisanje sažetka. Slanjem sažetka ujedno se smatrate registriranim. Konferencija nema kotizaciju. Autori mogu predati sažetak na hrvatskom ili engleskom jeziku, ovisno o tome na kojem jeziku žele izlagati.

Učitelji i nastavnici dobrodošli su sudjelovati putem registracije bez priopćenja (v. idući odlomak), ali uz mogućnost aktivnog sudjelovanja u svim raspravama. Temeljem registracije, moći će dobiti potvrdu o sudjelovanju na Konferenciji.

Sva dodatna pitanja u vezi prijave sažetaka možete poslati na e-mail adresu This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Registracija bez priopćenja (do 15. 5. 2024.)

Molimo na e-mail adresu konferencije This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. pošaljite svoje podatke: ime i prezime, naziv ustanove te hoćete li sudjelovati online ili on site. Nakon slanja prijave, svaki sudionik mailom će dobiti potvrdu o primitku prijave.